“Madison Indigenous arts leader, activist revealed as white” (madison365.com, Jan.3, 2023)

“Mural project brought Black voices to a shuttered State Street’

“Mural project brought Black voices to a shuttered State Street’

The DABL team (Mark Fraire, Meghan Blake-Horst and Sarah Akawa), along with previous facilitators and presenters, wrap up the DABL 2020 workshop series by discussing new resources each discovered this year.

“Two Latina artists take home 2020 Forward Art Prizes” (Cap Times; Dec.15, 2020)

“Two Latina artists take home 2020 Forward Art Prizes” (Cap Times; Dec.15, 2020)

Art on Blast: The Little Book With a Big Message

The Art of State Street: Politics, Policing, and Protest (Cap Times; Nov. 20, 2020)

The Art of State Street: Politics, Policing, and Protest (Cap Times; Nov. 20, 2020)

'‘The Chippewa Valley Writers Guild starts a collaborative writing project during COVID-19 outbreak'‘

'‘The Chippewa Valley Writers Guild starts a collaborative writing project during COVID-19 outbreak'

“Madison-based film company makes movie surrounding challenges of 2020”

“Madison-based film company makes movie surrounding challenges of 2020”

“The Plywood Canvas”

“The Plywood Canvas”

Meet Angela Trudell Vasquez, Madison’s poet laureate(Trudell Vasquez is the first Latina to be named to the position.)

Meet Angela Trudell Vasquez, Madison’s poet laureate

(Trudell Vasquez is the first Latina to be named to the position.)

“ A small lifeline for artists”

“ A small lifeline for artists”

The From Here On Out exhibition features work by more than 17 Black artists and allies of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Cap Times; Oct.24, 2020)

The From Here On Out exhibition features work by more than 17 Black artists and allies of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Cap Times; Oct.24, 2020)